Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru onshore , cu exemple: PCI Twinning of Southwest Scotland onshore system between . Multe exemple de propoziții traduse ce conțin „ onshore ” – Dicționar român- englez și motor de căutare pentru traduceri în română. Vocabular pentru romana si engleza. Definitii dictionar, explicatii, linkuri pentru onshore.

Multe centre onshore preiau modelul de succes al inovatiilor financiare offshore. Aceste teritorii nu implica existenta infractionalitatii, taxele si . DEX – Dicţionarul explicativ al limbii române,Academia. OMM no 4 Anexa OACI , DEX ). Items for DEX Series. Article (PDF Available) in Earth-Science . This market opening has led to the inclusion of Chinese onshore bonds in the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index, and could lead to inclusion in. Stateless people in onshore detention” (PDF).
Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Good plant design and operation for onshore carbon capture installations and onshore pipelines: a. The DEXplatform is an explosion protected fixed camera station for use in hazardous areas in onshore , offshore, marine and heavy industrial environments. Execution of onshore and offshore commissioning to process, utility, control and safety systems. Assisting operations group with platform Start-Up Provision of . Active tectonic field for COStorage management: Hontomín onshore. Dey and Dex are the direction.

To send a message, please. Swisscom gehört zu den nachhaltigsten Unternehmen der Schweiz und Europas. Mit dem System DEX wurde eine solide Austauschplattform geschaffen, . Ba nu, ne-am asumat şi v-am dat acest model offshore, diferit faţă de onshore , pe care la început nu l-aţi avut. L-aţi luat acum şi l-aţi luat de la . Standard: Norsok Z-01 Zone 1. Dex -Net as a Service (DNaaS) is now available online for computing and . Deoarece producția onshore este de așteptat să scadă, menținerea unui grad redus de dependență față de importuri este condiționată de dezvoltarea . Onshore Construction Logo 3. Antwerp Port Authority has installed seven new onshore power connection points on Quay 7. DEX -O-TEX Light Weight Underlayment. Activităţile de upstream se desfăşoară onshore (pe uscat) sau offshore (în subsolul platoului continental al mării).
Potrivit Legii petrolului, resursele de petrol . Europe has the capacity to produce more than 1times the amount of energy it currently produces through onshore windfarms, new analysis . LA, where he worked in onshore oil and gas exploration. Crochet JacketCrochet CardiganCrochet ScarvesCrochet. BASINS: BLOCKS FROM LOWER. Zaafrane Permit in Central Tunisia onshore.

Exploration Direction ( DEX ) : Ben Boubaker Kamel kamel.
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