The European Union (EU) is both a political project and a legal organisation. It takes action in many areas affecting the daily lives of European citizens. It is a political project that reflects the will of the EU countries to create an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe , in which decisions are taken as . Need more search options? Use the Advanced search.

CRIME ÎMPOTRIVA UMANITĂŢII ŞI CRIME DE RĂZBOI. JOINT INVESTIGATION (JITs) NETWORK. Overview of existing EU legislation in force concerning external trade. Z of Europe : § concise encyclopedia of the European Union from Aachen to Zollverein.
Summaries of legislation relating to past and ongoing enlargement processes. European digital cultural heritage, collated under Europeana,. MS part control - financial . A Sustainable Europe for a Better World: A European Union Strategy for Sustainable. Example of European legislation within the framework of the AFSJ: the . Exportul de bunuri culturale.

Obiectiv: Pentru a proteja bunurile culturale europene, . Schengen: The applicable law . Regional and Local Development in Central and South-Eastern Europe. The portal of the European Union, EUROPA, provides a variety of information on European integration,. For example, the Summaries page lists pre- selected topics. Under “food safety” one is taken to a page . Politica Regională a Uniunii Europene este o politică de investiții.
Biblioteca Digitală Europeana este un proiect important finanţat de către Comisia. Europa ca actor pe scena internaţională – instrumentele de politică externă de care. The Committee of Senior Labour . Approach to Migration.

International Labor Oragnization (ILO) . Intercultural Europe, Access to Culture, and Platform on the Potential of. It can be accessed through the FRA website at fra. LEGISLATIA EUROPEANA in domeniul TRANSPORTULUI PE CAILE. Comment Le statut de pays candidat .
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