Declinarea substantivului copie. Nominativ-Acuzativ, copie , copii. Articulat, copia, copiile. Genitiv-Dativ, copiei, copiilor.

Vocativ, copie , copiilor . Definiții, sinonime, antonime, conjugări, declinări, paradigme pentru copie din. Derulați tabela de mai jos de la dreapta la stânga. XVIII), intrat și prin filiera rus. Before the development of photographic copiers, a carbon copy—not to be confused with the.
When copies of business letters were so produce it was customary to use the acronym CC or cc before a colon and below the. An alternative etymology is that c: was used for copy and cc: indicates the plural , just as p. Many translated example sentences containing copie a – English-French. Aveți o copie de upgrade sau o copie de produs complet Windows Vista? Always make copies of important documents.

Be sure to make copies of all the documents. Given what has been presented on plurals , it is important to point out that plural are formed on the basis of singular forms. Trimite o copie la R. Edwards și asociații. Meanings of plural of copie in French English Dictionary : result(s).
Category, English, French. The plural form of copy is copies. Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce . Copie a ȘOPEN THE BOX Deschide caseta. Sinonime: a imita, a copia, a parodia. Kopie f (meistens verwendet) ( Plural : Kopien).
Ich habe nicht das Original . Arabic and Djibouti Somali. Within a syntactic approach to word formation, we. Pretérito Imperfeito.
Não há uma regra específica a ser seguida para se fazer este plural , pois pode variar entre os três e dependerá unicamente da origem da palavra, ou seja, de sua . Recevez toute notre actualité. He made careful copies of all the documents he found in the library. A series, set, collection, or group of six identical copies of something.
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