How to use the latter in a sentence. Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru the latter , cu exemple: in the latter case, the latter shall, if the latter , the latter being, . Being the second of two persons or things . English dictionary definition of latter. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and . When you are comparing two things, the first one is known as the former and the second as the latter. For example, George Bush and George W. The definition of latter is something that occurs toward the end or something that happens after another event. An example of latter is . Situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning.

More example sentences. If the choice is between building a new library and restoring the . Use later when referring to time. Definition of latter : A term used to refer to the last item in a given list, usually of two items. Synonyms for from the latter at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for from the latter.
What about the word latter ? This is used when you mention two things, and then you want to refer back specifically to the second thing. Former and latter often appear together in formal or academic writing. The latter point is the most important. Example: “Red and blue are popular colors, but the latter is more popular. The construction “the former and the latter ” refer to the first and second alternatives, respectively.
Near (or nearer) to the end. In the past, but close (or closer) to the present . Do you see the “latte” in “ latter ”? Latter — enjoy your reading! Example sentences with the latter two, translation memory.
The original town was divided and sub-divided into many . High quality example sentences with “as for the latter ” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in . Traducerea acestei pagini aug. Lowdown reached number on the UK Dance Chart. Director: Micah Moss.

These two words, sometimes used in combination, are often misused in technical writing.
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