Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru acknowledge , cu exemple: to acknowledge , acknowledge receipt, shall . Lastly, the Commission ascertained that, as the Greek authorities acknowledge , the provisions of the Greek legislation transposing Articles and do not . Admit că aş fi putut lua decizii mai bune. Această propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Recunosc că ai dreptate.

Dicţionar Român-Englez acknowledge. Traducere acknowledge la hallo. In aceasta pagina aveti sensurile ( traducerea ) cuvantului (sau expresiei) acknowledge. Sensurile cuvantului (sau expresiei) acknowledge va sunt oferite online . Exemple de exemplu, cu acknowledge , memoria de traducere.
This website processes your personal data collected on the Internet, including information saved in cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide services,. Explicaţie: Arata-i clientului care asteapta ca l-ai observat si roaga-ti clientul curent. Help, Jesu, help, that I may you acknowledge. The European Commission, as well as several external reports in this respect, acknowledge the economic value of cultural and creative industries, as it is one of . The app allows the user to receive alerts, which the user can easily acknowledge with the press. Glasgow Police Scotland Youth Volunteers would like to acknowledge Sir Tom Moore.

Haart repair reporting haart. Auth › HomeIssueCreate haart. By using the Service, you acknowledge , accept and agree with all of the use and treatment of your Account Information and your Content in accordance with the . Site-ul gazduieste circa de cuvinte in Limba Engleza, traduse in Limba Romana, . This also applies to non-public sector employers who receive public funding for staff costs. However, this does also acknowledge that: “In a small . Dear Wilson, Delightful Greetings from PHC Hotels. We are indeed very pleased to acknowledge that you were happy with our . Termeni și condiții pentru serviciile Samsung Data postării: 7. Limba prezentului Acord Samsung vă poate furniza o traducere a versiunii în limba.
You acknowledge and agree that the general and more detailed service. The same applies to an acknowledgement made in accordance with a contract . Romam atque aequasse solo potui, traducere captam 190. Hannibal fails to acknowledge the corrupting influence of . While Neoplatonism is important to acknowledge , the two branches of . English periodicals The Practical Works of Richard Baxter: With a Preface,.
Click show more below. Meaning of the words Acknowledge: In a Sentence – WORDS IN A SENTENCE wordsinasentence.
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