Directory of legal acts. Browse by subject to find EU legislation currently in force: Main document types. Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru legal acts , cu exemple: Review of other Union legal acts on data protection. The Translation Coordination Service aims to centralise Romanian legal acts translated into European Union official languages and make them freely available . Secondary legislation - shall mean a legal act issued by the competent authority for the implementation of the law and on the basis of legal . Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure. E-government pages: Visitors.

This Law determines system and types of the regulatory legal acts adopted ( published) by rule-making bodies (officials) establishes procedure . Normative administrative acts are passed by the ministries as fundamental and. Fiscal discipline council legal acts. Republic of Macedonia in compliance with the Law.
Ivan Bandura (Flickr). Subject(s):, General provisions. Type of legislation: Law , Act. The official organs of the Academy are: Presidium Senate General Assembly Auditors Court of Arbitration . Traducerea acestei pagini Regulatory legal acts.
Marise Cremona and Claire Kilpatrick. Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. In this collection of essays, which were first presented at the . Pension system of Estonia. The legal acts are systematised according to the Cabinet Regulation No.
Legal acts and rules. The Blood Act governs the procedure and conditions for handling of blood and sets forth quality and safety requirements for blood components. EU: Interoperability: Borders and visas: Regulation on establishing a framework for interoperability between EU information systems in the field of . Belarus has recently adopted a new law “On regulatory legal acts ”, which aims to provide better public consultations and introduces regulatory . As a rule, every legal norm, law or act of any nature of state power, which sets the manner of behavior of subjects against the normative frame . The portal will help spread knowledge about arbitration in Poland and about the concept of arbitration as a method for resolving disputes.
Adaptation of a number of legal acts providing for the use of the regulatory procedure with scrutiny to Articles 2and 2of the Treaty on the Functioning of the . Additional legal acts. Law On the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, IV Floor, in the . The below attached documents are translated from the Polish language. In the event of any conflict between the Polish and English versions, the . This Law shall establish rules for drafting, formalizing, adopting, publishing, .
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